Friday, February 5, 2010

Make 'em Smile

Last Sunday I had a family shoot with an adorable family. It's so funny when I get to a client's houses and the kids are skeptical as to why I am there, and why I am so interested in their toys. (My ice breaker is always to show me their favorite toy). After all my tactics Wes (age 4) was still not having it, he requested that he keep his hat on to block the "bright" (non-existent) sun. He would acknowledge the camera but the shots were looking like this:

I thought I had tried almost everything, until....... I came up with the best tactic ever. I told Wes in a stern voice, "Whatever you do DON'T look at the camera, and if you do happen to look at the camera, DON'T SMILE!!! I need to remember this for next time, because this was my outcome.


He is also the only 4 year old that I have met that can explain to me the game of football, who played in the playoffs and who he wanted to win in the super bowl. Hopefully his favorite team, The Chargers, will make it further next year!

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