Sunday, February 21, 2010


They have been predicting rain for this weekend for days now and the rain clouds have been hovering but... no rain! I had already devoted this weekend to being lazy so rain or no rain, I remain lazy. :) I walk by this tree everyday to my car and each time notice a new or blossoming bud, so today, I finally stopped and took advantage of the rain clouds and the lack of shadows. Such vibrant colors, think these might look pretty amazing blown up!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

My beautiful niece.

It was one year ago on sunday that my sister shared with the family she was going to have a baby girl, so I thought it would be appropriate to post some pictures of my beautiful niece Cecilia, exactly one year later. xx.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

how beautiful is my valentine bouquet?


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Calm before the (next) storm

I came home today and rushed outside to try and capture the sky, by the time I got the leashes on the boys and out the door I managed to get one shot before the sky literally changed before my eyes. Here is my one shot...

doggy park

Addie and Riley got a special treat on monday, (while London enjoyed a special bone at home), they got to run around at the Silverlake dog park!! Addie, who is a frequent visitor, divided her time between dogs and humans where Riley who is naturally wired and always full of energy became very reserved and quiet. Because his brother is so naughty, we don't get to go to dog parks very often so Riley was completely out of his element. My new goal is to get London on Dog Whisperer so he can be cured of his anger issues and we can once again be "regulars"at the parks.

Look at this funny guy...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Alex & Silva

Pregnancy sessions are one of my favorites to do, there is such a strong bond and overall euphoric state being shared between the couple, the pictures come out so "happy." This session was EXTRA special in that I am hopping on the bandwagon and joining them on their special journey. Our pregnancy session was our first meeting and I will be with them in the birthing room shooting the birth of their first baby. Silva and Alex were so fun to shoot. Silva was so prepared with chosen outfits, poses she had researched and props, I was very impressed! And what a great husband Alex was, we were shooting these pictures during Superbowl kick off! Enjoy!


London is such an amazing model that I usually give up on Riley because the only time he is sitting still is when he's snuggling with his pig or asleep. So I thought I would attempt some shots of Riley yesterday. They turned out pretty cute....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Boulevard

I was driving home and I decided to take Hollywood Blvd. which I rarely do, especially on a Sunday because of the massive amounts of tourists, but today I felt like watching the craziness that is the Boulevard. I was at a red light to capture the shot below. A penny for his thoughts?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Make 'em Smile

Last Sunday I had a family shoot with an adorable family. It's so funny when I get to a client's houses and the kids are skeptical as to why I am there, and why I am so interested in their toys. (My ice breaker is always to show me their favorite toy). After all my tactics Wes (age 4) was still not having it, he requested that he keep his hat on to block the "bright" (non-existent) sun. He would acknowledge the camera but the shots were looking like this:

I thought I had tried almost everything, until....... I came up with the best tactic ever. I told Wes in a stern voice, "Whatever you do DON'T look at the camera, and if you do happen to look at the camera, DON'T SMILE!!! I need to remember this for next time, because this was my outcome.


He is also the only 4 year old that I have met that can explain to me the game of football, who played in the playoffs and who he wanted to win in the super bowl. Hopefully his favorite team, The Chargers, will make it further next year!

The "Small" Team

I emailed my gynecologist after I had recently visited his office and noticed some baby pictures in his office that were quite.... bland. I thought to myself, "my pictures are great, why aren't they up there?" I soon came to realize that all I needed to do was ask him. His response to my email was extremely positive and he told me to bring my business cards and framed work into the office and they would find a place for them. So I ran out to Aaron Brothers, and sent the images off to Papa Small. Within 2 days, I had the beautiful pictures at my doorstep, I placed them in frames, and we were ready to go! I dropped them off this afternoon and am eagerly awaiting to see what business I get from them. Fingers crossed!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'll follow you, If you follow me.

It's so interesting how blogs have evolved into what I read more regularly than magazines or newspapers, my computer is most always at an arms reach and wireless is accessible almost anywhere. I find it so impressive that they are updated so frequently ( seeing as it took me months to create a second entry ). I have made a promise to myself to become a "follower" to the blogs that I read. I often stumble upon blogs that are so insightful and have only 3 followers, I am hoping that this might create more of a network for those avid bloggers. I hope by following them, it will motivate me to also be a passionate blogger.