Thursday, September 24, 2009


I interviewed with a couple recently in hopes that I could help them occasionally with their newborn. They asked what I was currently involved in and after I listed off my current responsibilities, they in unison replied with, "how DO you find the time to do all those things?" We all laughed, but when the laughing subsided, I corrected my posture and replied with, "SO when can I be of your assistance?"

Leaving from that meeting, I realized that I yearn for a busy calendar. Not only do I like to be busy, but I am more effective being fully committed. I work better when I have less time than when I have a free day to play "catch-up."

SO, as I am rushing to work one morning this week, (because no matter how early I wake up, or how long I allow myself to get ready,  I am always running 10 minutes behind) I ponder to myself, why not start a blog? And from that moment on, the wheels in my head have been turning.  I was first inspired after seeing Julie and Julia, for Julie’s dedication and self-fulfilling pursuit, all revolving around a blog. My concept would be similar to that, as in I am on a personal quest to become a photographer. In my perfect world I will attract followers along the way to join me on this journey.  I will use this outlet to share my strengths and weaknesses and my inspirations, with the ultimate goal of inspiring YOU in return. If you will, follow me on this jouney…..